Dr Angela Guerrero Gonzalez

headshot1Angela’s overall research interest is the link between social and ecological systems, and how this link affects nature conservation outcomes. 

Her projects explored some of the challenges posed by the complex linkages between social and ecological systems, and developed approaches to improve the way social aspects and social-ecological linkages are taken into account when making environmental planning and implementation decisions.

Angela applies systems thinking and statistical network analysis techniques. One area of her focus is multi-actor collaborative approaches in the governance of ecosystems and conservation problems, and their effectiveness for addressing complex conservation and environmental problems.

Angela’s research involves collaborations with members of government and non-government organisations such as the Luc Hoffman Institute, WWFCSIRO and the Stockholm Resilience Centre. Her PhD project was supervised by Prof. Kerrie Wilson (School of Biological Sciences, UQ), Dr Ryan McAllister (CSIRO) and Prof. Jonathan Corcoran (School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, UQ).

Postdoctoral  Research Fellow, University of Queensland,  2015 – 2018

PhD, University of Queensland, January 2010 – 2015

Masters, University of Queensland, March 2009 – November 2009

Email: a.guerrero@uq.edu.au

Twitter: @aggwarrior

Personal Website: https://angelaguerreroresearch.wordpress.com/ 

Researcher ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/L-2554-2014

Research theme 

Conservation decision-making in socio-ecological systems


Guerrero, A. M. and Wilson, K. A. 2017. Using a social-ecological framework to inform the implementation of conservation plans. Conservation Biology. 31: 290–301. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cobi.12832

Guerrero, A. M. and Wilson, K. A. 2016. Using a social-ecological framework to inform the implementation of conservation plans. Conservation Biology. 31: 290–301. doi:10.1111/cobi.12832

Bodin, Ö., G. Robins, R. R. J. McAllister, A. Guerrero, B. Crona, M. Tengö, and M. Lubell. 2016. Theorizing benefits and constraints in collaborative environmental governance: a transdisciplinary social-ecological network approach for empirical investigations. Ecology and Society 21(1):40. http://dx.doi.org/10.5751/ES-08368-210140

Guerrero, A.M., Bodin Ö., McAllister, R.R.J., and Wilson, K.A. 2015. Achieving social-ecological fit through bottom-up collaborative governance: an empirical investigation. Ecology and Society 20(4):41. http://dx.doi.org/10.5751/ES-08035-200441

Guerrero, A.M., McAllister, R.R.J., and Wilson, K.A. 2015. Achieving Cross-Scale Collaboration for Large Scale Conservation Initiatives. Conservation Letters 8(2): 107-117. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/conl.12112

McAllister, R. R. J., C. J. Robinson, K. Maclean, A. M. Guerrero, K. Collins, B. M. Taylor, and P. J. De Barro. 2015. From local to central: a network analysis of who manages plant pest and disease outbreaks across scales. Ecology and Society 20: http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol20/iss21/art67/.

Mills, M., Alvarez-Romero, J.G., Vance-Borland, K., Cohen, P., Pressey, R.L., Guerrero, A.M. and Ernstson, H. 2014. Linking regional planning and local action: towards using social network analysis in systematic conservation planning. Biological Conservation 169: 6-13  http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320713003704

Guerrero, A.M., McAllister, R.R.J., Corcoran, J. and Wilson, K.A. (2013), Scale Mismatches, Conservation Planning, and the Value of Social-Network Analyses. Conservation Biology, 27: 35–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1523-1739.2012.01964.x

Guerrero, A., Knight, A., Grantham, H., Cowling, R. and Wilson, K. (2010). Predicting willingness-to-sell and its utility for assessing conservation opportunity for expanding protected area networks.  Conservation Letters, 3 (5), pp. 332–339. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1755-263X.2010.00116.x